Group Strategy

The strategy assumes an increase of the value for shareholders and a strengthening of the market position of Alumetal S.A. Capital Group as a leading European manufacturer of secondary aluminum casting alloys and pre-alloys.

Elements of the Group's strategy for the years 2018-2022 which are supposed to ensure the achievement of its objectives, include the following:


  • raising sales volumes of the ALUMETAL S.A. Capital Group’s products to the level of more than 250 thousand tons in 2022,
  • a modernization of the production plant in Kęty,
  • focusing on operational activities to improve production efficiency and its technological and cost effectiveness,
  • further intensification of commercial activities, including diversification of the product portfolio,
  • average annual EBITDA growth by 10%.
  • Zrównoważony rozwój i neutralność klimatyczna
  • Bezpieczeństwo pracy
  • Wzrost EBITDA
  • Rozwój technologiczny
  • Optymalizacja operacyjna
  • Wzrost sprzedaży